
Mioara Anton: Rückkehr zum Autochthonismus. Die junge sozialistische Generation in Rumänien zwischen Alternativkultur und ideologischer Indoktrination, in: Jahrbuch für Historische Kommunismusforschung 2022. Berlin: Metropol Verlag, pp. 127–148.

This article discusses how the Romanian Communist Party tried to foster a socialist consciousness among young people and explains the countervailing efforts of Romanian youth to create a cultural identity based on Western influences. In the 1970s and under constraints imposed by the Communist Party and Securitate in the 1980s, this process, visible in urban areas and universities, entailed the adaptation of Western pop culture to the national context. Romanian Communist officials responded forcefully to eliminate these tendencies. They sought to control the leisure activities of youth and to devise alternative activities and outlets to control the energies of the youth, as with the establishment of „Cenaclul Flacăra”. Youth pop culture was a grave concern for the authorities, who perceived it as a challenge to the values and imagery of the Communist system. State-promoted leisure activities consisted mostly of sport contests and national folklore performances.

Über die Autorin

Mioara Anton, Dr. habil., geb. 1973. Studium der Geschichte an der Universität Bukarest (1993–1997), 2005 Promotion, 2017 Habilitation. Senior Researcher am Institut für Geschichte »Nicolae Iorga« an der Rumänischen Akademie. Forschungen zur rumänischen Zeitgeschichte, insbesondere zur Geschichte des Kommunismus (Außenpolitik, rumänische Intelligenz, Minderheitenfragen, Alltagsleben). Veröffentlichungen: mehrere Bücher und Studien zur Geschichte des rumänischen Kommunismus, darunter »Ceaușescu și poporul!«. Scrisori către »iubitul conducător« [»Ceausescu und das Volk!«. Briefe an »unseren geliebten Führer«], Târgovişte 2016; Hg.: Cuvintele puterii. Literatură, intelectuali și ideologie în România comunistă [Die Worte der Macht. Literatur, Intellektuelle und Ideologie im kommunistischen Rumänien], Iași 2015 (mit Bogdan Crețu, Daniel Șandru); Guvernați și guvernanți. Scrisori către putere. 1945–1965 [Herrscherinnen und Herrscher. Briefe an die Macht], Iași 2013.

Jahrbuch für Historische Kommunismusforschung